Photographing Horseshoe Bend – Marco Schröder

Photographing Horseshoe Bend – Marco Schröder These picture, I was somewhat surprised at these amazing outcome, is more or less a lucky spin-off (serendipity). It is the result of a snapshot during our trip to the United States this summer. We made a round-trip from San Francisco to Las Vegas. During the journey we stopped at Page. […]
Photographing Horseshoe Bend tips from the pro’s – Nir Amos

When I have decided to do the road trip of my life, I knew that as a photographer, the iconic Horseshoe Bend is the best site that I want to visit! I flew all the way from israel for a unique journey of a life time. My road trip started from San Francisco, there I’ve rented a car, […]
Photography tips from the Pro’s – Ryan Houston

I have lived in Utah most of my life and had never visited Horseshoe Bend until March 2015. I was working in Kanab, UT and decided to drive to Page, AZ after work to take pictures of Lake Powell. On the way, I saw signs for Horseshoe Bend and immediately decided to shoot this iconic […]
Photography Tips from the Pro’s – Boyd Prestidge

Having been on vacation already a week, or as I like to call them “photographic journeys” we left the amazing Armagosa hotel in Death Valley Junction and pointed our Yukon in the general direction of home. We consulted our map with all the roads we have traveled highlighted in yellow or blue, and determined that […]
Photography Tips from the Pro’s – Andrew Louie

Blue Skies and 100 Tripods This past February, I had an opportunity to explore and photograph some of the wondrous beauty of the Southwest. The main attractions for my first-time visit there were Zion National Park in Utah and the many amazing photographic sites around the Page, Arizona area, which included Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyons, Vermillion Cliffs, and […]
Tips from the Pro’s – Brad Scott

Congratulations on knowing about one of the most photogenic locations in the United States! Instead of giving you a standard tutorial I would like to paint a story in your head. It all started in Mesa Arizona. I had recently moved from beautiful South Lake Tahoe, CA ( my home town) and moved to Arizona to […]