Since when was being crammed elbow-to-elbow in a confined space with hundreds of people you don’t know from Adam anyone’s idea of a vacation? Unfortunately, that has become the rule instead of the exception at both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon, and you don’t want anything to do with it.
How would you like to experience some of Page, AZ’s most exquisite slot canyon scenery, and a rugged yet simple nature hike, in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility? It’s all possible in Cathedral Canyon!
Join Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours for a special trip to an even more special place. Located near the Navajo Reservation town of LeChee, AZ, Cathedral Canyon evokes feelings of reverence and awe with features like 100’ high sandstone walls and super-sized boulders thrust into gravity-defying nooks and crannies by intense flash floods, hundreds, maybe even thousands of years ago. Your Navajo Indian guide will share fascinating facts about the animal life in the area, and the practical uses for the native plants that grow in the surrounding desert.
Like many slot canyons in the Page, AZ area, this one does require some effort on your part, such as crawling under a few boulders, and climbing a 10’ ladder to enter the canyon. There are also some very narrow areas to squeeze through. Individuals who are severely claustrophobic should consider carefully whether they’d enjoy this tour. Otherwise, general consensus of opinion is that if you can manage Lower Antelope Canyon, you can manage Cathedral Canyon. The best part? Tour group sizes are intentionally kept smaller for a more personalized, low-key experience.
Tours depart daily* from Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours** in downtown Page, Arizona. Because tour groups are deliberately limited in size, advance reservations are strongly recommended. Book now to guarantee your space on the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour!
* Operation of tours is weather permitting and may be contingent on a certain number of passengers confirmed to guarantee departure
**This tour does not go to Antelope Canyon
31 Responses
Wanted to check in, I know Navajo Nation is closed as of February 1. What is the likelihood of it opening for tours by the end of March? We will be in the area the last week of March and would like to tour Cathedral Canyon or another slot canyon.
Hey Sean,
With COVID-19 cases continuing to increase on the Navajo Reservation and in Arizona in general, I’d say the outlook isn’t too positive for the Antelope Canyons to reopen by end of March. I would advise monitoring the Navajo Parks & Recreation website to be certain. In the meantime, start thinking about a “Plan B” slot canyon touring option, such as Wire Pass Canyon/Buckskin Gulch near Paria, UT, or Red Canyon/aka Peek-A-Boo Canyon near Kanab, UT.
For more information on these, visit our companion site http://www.AntelopeCanyon.AZ: Help! My Tour Got Cancelled
Good luck and safe travels,
Alley 🙂
It’s open. We took this tour yesterday, 3/9
Hello. I am interested in a tour of Cathedral Slot Canyon and Horseshoe Bend in early November 2020. Are these sites open? Can you recommend a reputable tour company please?
Hi Bridget,
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Cathedral Slot Canyon is located on the Navajo Indian Reservation, and all attractions there are expected to remain closed through the end of the year due to COVID-19. However, Horseshoe Bend is one attraction that never closed, and does not require a tour to visit. You may simply go there between the hours of sunrise and sunset (when the parking lot is open) in your own vehicle. Allow approximately 2 hours to park, walk to the rim (trail is .7 miles), take photos, then walk back. Be aware that a construction project is going on near Horseshoe Bend that could result in a slight delay in travel.
If seeing a slot canyon remains on your must-do list — and we don’t blame you one bit if it is! — you’ll be happy to know that there are alternatives not affected by the closure of Navajo Indian Tribal Lands. The most “family-friendly” of these is Red Canyon, aka Peek-A-Boo Canyon in Kanab, UT. Kanab, UT, is ~1 hour drive from Page, AZ, and Red Canyon is a beautiful slot canyon, and an easy walk. The hard part about getting there is the access road in, which a lot of people get stuck on, therefore, a guided tour is strongly recommended. Reputable tour companies who can get you to Peek-A-Boo are:
– Dreamland Safari Tours, (435) 412-1790, http://www.dreamlandtours.net
– TC Tours, (435) 668-5262, http://www.slotcanyontourskanab.com
– Kanab Tour Company, (435) 644-5525, http://www.kanabtourcompany.com
– Forever Adventure Tours, 435-644-5700, http://www.foreveradventuretours.com
– Grand Circle Tours, (928) 691-0166, http://www.vermilioncliffs.net
If you’re up for something more rugged, Wire Pass Canyon is a photogenic two-part slot canyon that is short enough for intermediate-level hikers to enjoy, yet offers the option to delve further into Buckskin Gulch for those wanting more of a challenge. Located off US89 between Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT, on the House Rock Valley Road, the walk to the entrance of the initial slot is via a typically dry streambed, which may be composed of rather deep sand. An 8-10’ drop a short distance into the slot canyon is one reason why Wire Pass Canyon may not be appropriate for those traveling with young children, the elderly, or individuals afraid of heights. As the canyon walls become higher and closer together, they suddenly open up as the second slot connects with the Buckskin Gulch. If you’ve had enough at this point, you can simply turn around and head back to your vehicle. If you’d like to explore further, you can easily make a half-day hike out of the immediate area around the confluence with the Buckskin. Look for some bighorn sheep petroglyphs dating back hundreds, maybe thousands of years! Access to Wire Pass Canyon and the Buckskin Gulch is Hikers are required to pay a self-permitting fee at the kiosk by the trailhead. Since the House Rock Valley Road is also unpaved, and any moisture whatsoever can render it a muddy, impassable mess, a guided tour is recommended for getting your party there and back without incident. Page, AZ, and Kanab, UT based companies offering guided tours to Wire Pass Canyon and the Buckskin Gulch include:
– Detours American West, 480-633-9013, http://www.detoursamericanwest.com
– Paria Outpost & Outfitters, 928-691-1047, http://www.paria.com
– Grand Staircase Discovery Tours, 928-614-4099, http://www.grandstaircasediscoverytours.com
Good luck and safe travels,
Alley 🙂
I am interested in several of your tours but am frustrated with not being able to find a phone number to call and ask questions. Please call me, or text or email me your number so I can call you. 850-712-7000.
Hi Donald,
If you wish to inquire specifically about Cathedral Slot Canyon, tours to that area are operated by Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours. Their phone # is 928-645-5594. If you are interested in any other tours, please write in again and specify what those are and we will get you the appropriate contact information!
Alley 🙂
Can you visit these places without booking a tour guide?
Hi Denise,
Your inquiry was posted on the Cathedral Slot Canyon tour page, so I’m assuming that your question specifically refers to this and other slot canyons. In which case, the answer is no, you may not visit these places without booking a tour guide. They are situated on Navajo Indian Tribal Land, so a licensed tour company is required to tour these areas.
Hope that helps.
Good luck and safe travels,
Alley 🙂
When going on slot canyon tours can you bring a tripod with for photos? We are headed to AZ tomorrow with our 13 year old Grandson.
Hi David,
From the tour operator’s website:
Sorry 🙁
I want to book the horseshoe and cathedral tour what the easy way to book both?
Hi Vega,
Visiting Horseshoe Bend does not require a guided tour. The overlook is open 24/7/365, so you may visit it whenever you wish.
For the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour, visit Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours at https://www.antelopeslotcanyon.com/guided-tours/cathedral-canyon-tour
Alley 🙂
Thank u for the info, can’t make up my mind on which tour is better the cathdrel slot canyon to the horseshoe bend slot canyon, i don’t want to be in places that r too narrow, can you help me ?
Hi Vega,
Both slot canyons have narrow sections, that’s why they’re called “slot” canyons, but the super-narrow areas tend to be short in length, so you’ll be in and out relatively quickly. As for which one has more of these types of spaces, Horseshoe Bend and Cathedral are probably about equal. Cathedral Canyon has some interesting features that Horseshoe doesn’t have, so if I were to choose which one to tour, personally, I’d go with Cathedral. YouTube is chock-a-block with videos of both canyons, so I’d recommend doing a search for videos on both canyons so you can make a comparison based on first-hand knowledge.
Good luck, I know it’s a hard choice.
Alley 🙂
I’ll be here in late April. Just wanted to know how much do the tours cost? It looks absolutely beautiful there
Hi Mark,
If you’re referring to the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour specifically, the cost is $99+tax per person, $75+ for kids under 12.
And it is indeed beautiful here, and there’s a lot to see and do, so be sure to plan on spending at least 2 days with us in Page, AZ!
Best wishes for safe travels,
Alley 🙂
Any restrictions on using a tripod on these tours?
Hi Tom,
To our knowledge, tripods are discouraged on the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour because of the terrain, but you might be able to bring one by prior arrangement with the tour company: Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours, call 928-645-5594 or fill out a contact form and someone will get back to you.
Good luck and safe travels!
Alley 🙂
What’s the best way to book these tours?
Hi Christy,
The best way to book the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour is online at Chief Tsosie’s Antelope Slot Canyon Tours or by phone at 928-645-5594.
Alley 🙂
What are some good options for seeing that beautiful part of the country with a family of 5 kids, the youngest 4 years old? We’ll be there early April. Thanks!
Hi Heather,
Seeing as though you posted this on the Cathedral Canyon tour page, I’ll start by saying this particular activity may be too much for a 4-year-old to handle. Anything you see and do has to be with his/her comfort front and center in your mind. For slot canyon tours, you might be able to manage Lower Antelope Canyon. It’s 600 yards long and requires some stair climbing and simple bouldering. To judge whether this might be appropriate for your family, take a look at this video walk-through of Lower Antelope. If you think this may be pushing it, then Upper Antelope Canyon will be your best option. Reservations must be made well in advance of your arrival.
Other activities you might enjoy include, but aren’t limited to the Horseshoe Bend Overlook, John Wesley Powell Museum, Carl Hayden Visitors Center at Glen Canyon Dam, The “New” Wave, short boat tours, and maybe a short walk along the Page Rim Trail.
Hope that helps. Enjoy your visit!
Alley 🙂
You mention that there are some narrow areas to squeeze through. How narrow? My husband is 6’3″ and 280 lbs. Would he fit???
Hi Laura,
That might be a little tight, but people of similar size have probably managed to squeak through before. It’s amazing what you can accomplish to see something amazing! To be 100% certain, I’d recommend you call the tour company directly. Their number is (928) 645-5594. Be sure you specify that you’re looking to tour Cathedral Canyon since this company also tours Upper Antelope Canyon.
Good luck and let us know how you and your husband do,
Alley 🙂
Any discounts for those who are Navajo?
Hi Brooke,
It stands to reason that you would receive consideration if you are Navajo since the company is Navajo owned and operated. To be 100% certain, we’d recommend you call the tour company directly at (928) 645-5594.
Thank you!
Alley 🙂
My husband and I are planning a trip for spring or fall. These tours look absolutely beautiful! I have a fear of heights, is that something I should be worried about with any one of the tours in particular?
Hi Sandy,
Thank you for your very excellent question!
With slot canyon tours, fear of heights really isn’t an issue since you’re walking between two high walls almost the entire time and not on a cliff’s edge. The issue that comes into play with slot canyons is claustrophobia. A few tight squeezes can be encountered, but once you get through them, you’re usually back where there’s a little more room to breathe.
In the case of Horseshoe Bend, someone like yourself needs to use caution as the majority of the overlook is unfenced and it’s a 700′ drop to the river. If the thought of that unnerves you, a viewing platform with a safety railing is nearly complete, and would hopefully be usable by the time you visit.
Hope that helps!
Good luck and have fun,
Alley 🙂
we want to make reservation for aug 8th; how do we make reservations
Hi Chris,
I’m so sorry, the “Book Now” text link has somehow been broken, I’ll look into getting that fixed right away.
To make reservations for the Cathedral Slot Canyon Tour, visit https://antelopeslotcanyon.com/cathedral-canyon-tour/ or call 928-645-5594 or e-mail [email protected].
Thank you for visiting!
Alley 🙂