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Dam Overlook

photo 1 (1)   The hike to Horseshoe Bend is 3/4 of mile over a pretty large hill. Although very easy for some, at least one person a week is sent to the hospital from this hike, usually related to heat. Look through the TripAdvisor reviews and you’ll see that there are a fair number of people that find the hike was too difficult, or had concerns about their children or pets so close to the edge without any railings. If you fall into this category, consider driving over to the Dam Overlook. While it doesn’t have the press coverage of Horseshoe Bend, many people find it has a great effort / reward ratio. The parking lot is less then 4 miles from the Horseshoe Bend lot, located on Scenic View drive next to Toroweap Villas. The hike is less then 10 minutes down a flight of carved stairs, leading to a viewing station of the Colorado River and the Glen Canyon Dam. Find out more at